
焦 虑

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      焦 虑             作者 戴维.斯骓特   翻译 杉 子 今日无语 太阳依旧 从寂静的家园升起 冰雪封存了车的足迹 天地迷朦 和平鸽谈情说爱 淡定从容 乌鸦哀鸣 如马卡维蒂的魔爪 落地无声……(注) 抓狂的生灵 游戏着距离的游戏 喘息着迷朦的喘息 一路汇集 “卡擦”、“卡擦” 摄影师在快门与杰作的交融里 喘息着倒下! 注:马卡维蒂是美国诗人艾略特的诗集《老负鼠的实用猫》中的虚构人物。犯罪能手,又称“隐藏的爪子”。 (版权所有 转载敬请署名)

Idle Time

Idle Time Poem

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IDLE TIME I ain’t clickin’ I ain’t emailin’ I ain’t workin’. But I am sittin’ I am drinkin’. And I am a wonderin’ What were Dylan’s Crickets talkin’ about In rhyme. This is a poem about downtime and isolation in rural Norfolk during coronavirus (COVID-19) David Street

Afterlife Poem

Afterlife A Poem

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Afterlife A poem AfterlifeI am sittin’ ‘n’ sunnin’Startin’ to dreamOf a naggin’ free timeGoin’ to the railwaySippin’ on a blonde,Talkin’ squit about football.Remembrin’ Greavsie’sGoal against LeicesterGeoffs hatrick, Banky’s saveOsbornes Wembley winner,Saint-Étienne, Cologne, Amsterdam,Those were the days.On another blonde now asBudgies chirp on aboutSunderland and Munich.I’m Tryin’ a MerlotAnd pickin’ my horsesAs the other guys chattin’About [….]

Saturday Sunrise

A Poem called Disquiet

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Disquiet There is nothing sweet today as the sun rises over silent homes, cars covered in icy coats. No vapour trails blister the sky nonchalant pigeons cloacal kiss a blackbird chuk, chuk’s as Macavity creeps by. Lone jogger coughs her breath poisons the air the shutter shuts on my final shot. David Street This is [….]

4 Staring Stags

Decoy Shoot Poem

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Decoy Shoot Ludham I take a leak on the edgeOf a field of unripe cornFour stags rise upAnd gaze at me.I fumble for my cameraAperture wide, ISO highFrame the shot steady,Ready to fire.I can feel them moveLike a convoy of shipsAcross the horizonIn the blue hour.My shutter echoes,A salvo of gunfireBurns my earsTremors shudder upthrough [….]

Elvis Sees Red

Elvis Sees Red Poem

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Elvis Sees RedDragged on stageto raspberries, boosand water aimed trueCostello loses his coolfiring scouse expletivesand pays the penaltyas backs are turnedto witnessthe resurrectionof the pool. Champions crownedpoets dance at the barlighters and mobiles flickerin blood red lightElvis strums the wavesof euphoriawith a redeemingAnfield anthem. Elvis Costello statement “I suppose there might have been a handful [….]

Howe Lane

Mystic Oak Poem

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Mystic Oak Howe Lane, Poringland, Norfolk, Uk She emerges through my breath that hangs like mist in the November air with cushions and a doobie. We climb the oak lay on the ledge inhale and embrace to watch the sun slump into dubiety. © David Street 2020 This about a cold November afternoon when I [….]