Elvis Sees Red

Elvis Sees Red Poem

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Elvis Sees RedDragged on stageto raspberries, boosand water aimed trueCostello loses his coolfiring scouse expletivesand pays the penaltyas backs are turnedto witnessthe resurrectionof the pool. Champions crownedpoets dance at the barlighters and mobiles flickerin blood red lightElvis strums the wavesof euphoriawith a redeemingAnfield anthem. Elvis Costello statement “I suppose there might have been a handful [….]

Thurne Norfolk Uk

This is Streetview News!

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This is Streetview News a site dedicated to news of the various Streetview creative media activities. Work has been published in magazines, newspapers, books and more recently online in the Uk and around the world. You can see more illustrations and cartoons at www.rockimages.co.uk . We have produced Illustrations in variety of styles both in [….]

Howe Lane

Mystic Oak Poem

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Mystic Oak Howe Lane, Poringland, Norfolk, Uk She emerges through my breath that hangs like mist in the November air with cushions and a doobie. We climb the oak lay on the ledge inhale and embrace to watch the sun slump into dubiety. © David Street 2020 This about a cold November afternoon when I [….]