4 Staring Stags

Decoy Shoot Poem

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Decoy Shoot Ludham I take a leak on the edgeOf a field of unripe cornFour stags rise upAnd gaze at me.I fumble for my cameraAperture wide, ISO highFrame the shot steady,Ready to fire.I can feel them moveLike a convoy of shipsAcross the horizonIn the blue hour.My shutter echoes,A salvo of gunfireBurns my earsTremors shudder upthrough [….]

Elvis Sees Red

Elvis Sees Red Poem

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Elvis Sees RedDragged on stageto raspberries, boosand water aimed trueCostello loses his coolfiring scouse expletivesand pays the penaltyas backs are turnedto witnessthe resurrectionof the pool. Champions crownedpoets dance at the barlighters and mobiles flickerin blood red lightElvis strums the wavesof euphoriawith a redeemingAnfield anthem. Elvis Costello statement “I suppose there might have been a handful [….]