Elvis Sees Red

Elvis Sees Red
Dragged on stage
to raspberries, boos
and water aimed true
Costello loses his cool
firing scouse expletives
and pays the penalty
as backs are turned
to witness
the resurrection
of the pool.
Champions crowned
poets dance at the bar
lighters and mobiles flicker
in blood red light
Elvis strums the waves
of euphoria
with a redeeming
Anfield anthem.

Elvis Costello statement

“I suppose there might have been a handful of people who didn’t get the message that it was going to be a late show but after the audience had been treated to an excellent performance by a fine young local band – David K and The Defendants. The Imposters and I took the stage just after 9.30pm and played a non-stop two-hour set that seemed to be enjoyed by almost one and all.

The laughable expression of hostility from a cowardly drink-hurling drunk was countered with some comedic banter that a few timid souls seem to have mistaken for genuine aggression. They have clearly never witnessed a serious confrontation. This disruptive twerp was rightly and forcefully ejected from the premises although it may not have escaped his notice that the singer was holding a large plank of wood in his hand throughout the show.

Far from resenting the sporting background to the evening, the majority of the audience happily joined in an emotional and enthusiastic rendition of You’ll Never Walk Alone, saluting the Liverpool victory with the massed illumination of their mobile phones.

Perhaps the 14 people who did ask for their money back are not allowed to stay out late at rock and roll shows. Or maybe they would be better suited to staying at home, reading their Delia Smith cookbooks over a nice cup of Horlicks while listening to their K-Tel collection of a Punk Rock Classic.

Obviously, if some of those asking for refunds simply had a late bus to catch then we extend our apologies for any confusion and inconvenience. They should contact us with adequate proof of purchase and we will arrange for them to receive guest tickets for our next Norfolk appearance.

Up The Reds and good luck to the Canaries with their push for promotion.”